ANCS is the premier forum for presenting and discussing original research that explores the relationship between the algorithms and architectures of data communication networks and the hardware and software elements from which these networks are built. ANCS focuses on architectures for networking and communication in the broad sense, including novel architectures, architectural support for advanced communication, algorithms and protocols for advanced architectures, software and applications for next-generation networking architectures, co-design of computer and network systems, and methodology and benchmarking for evaluating advanced communication architectures. ANCS 2021 will be held online.
Call for Papers
The conference seeks an emphasis on the applicability and feasibility of approach, and will prioritize implementation and measurement-led submissions. Authors are invited to include artifacts and data sets as part of their submission, and those would be looked favourably by the committee. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Disaggregated computing
- Heterogeneous architectures
- Hardware offloading and accelerators
- Domain-specific languages
- Operating systems and virtualization
- Algorithms
- Switch/router/middlebox/NIC designs
- SDN/NFV systems
- In-network computing
- Host networking
- Network, compute, memory and storage convergence
- Hardware/software co-design
- Reconfigurable and programmable hardware
- Security, measurement, benchmark and management
- Emerging applications and use cases
Important Dates
- Paper Submission Deadline:
22 29 September 2021, AoE
- Notification of Acceptance: 15 November 2021
- Camera-Ready Version Due: 30 November 2021, 23:59 (GMT)
- Conference Dates: December 14-16, 2021
A submission must be a regular paper (up to 12 pages), a short paper (6 pages, either in-progress or complete work), or a poster abstract (3 pages, in-progress work). These page limits do not include references. The review process is double blind; papers must not indicate author names or affiliations. Papers must be in the PDF format and submitted via
The papers must be formatted using the ACM Primary Article Templates (“2. The Workflow and Templates” in with document class arguments of 10pt,sigconf,letterpaper,anonymous,nonacm
Technical Program Committee:
- Suhaib Fahmy, KAUST (Co-Chair)
- Michio Honda, University of Edinburgh (Co-Chair)
- Amin Tootoonchian, OpenAI
- Mina Tahmasbi Arashloo, Cornell University
- Antonio Barbalace, University of Edinburgh
- Tom Barbette, Université catholique de Louvain
- Ran Ben Basat, University College London
- Gordon Brebner, Xilinx Labs
- Paolo Costa, Microsoft Research
- Paul Emmerich, Google
- Sonia Fahmy, Purdue University
- Felipe Huici, NEC Labs Europe
- Zsolt Istvan, IT University of Copenhagen
- Muhammad Asim Jamshed, AWS
- Lavanya Jose, Google
- Eric Keller, University of Colorado Boulder
- Hyojoon (Joon) Kim, Princeton University
- Marios Kogias, Microsoft Research Cambridge
- Youngjin Kwon, KAIST
- Chang Lan, Google
- Giuseppe Lettieri, Università di Pisa
- Jialin Li, National University of Singapore
- Yikai Lin, Facebook
- Luo Mai, University of Edinburgh
- Ilias Marinos, Microsoft Research
- Oliver Michel, University of Vienna
- Priyanka Naik, IBM Research
- Georgios Nikolaidis, Barefoot/Intel
- Salvatore Pontarelli, University of Rome
- Gábor Rétvári, Budapest University of Technology and Economics & Ericsson Research
- Luigi Rizzo, Università di Pisa and Google
- Ahmed Saeed, Georgia Tech
- Shreejith Shanker, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin
- Naveen Kr. Sharma, Google
- Ran Shu, Microsoft Research
- Rachee Singh, Microsoft
- Brent Stephens, University of Illinois Chicago
- Patrick Stuedi, LinkedIn
- Praveen Tammana, IIT Hyderabad
- Olivier Tilmans, Nokia Bell Labs
- Yuta Tokusashi, University of Cambridge
- Marcin Wojcik, Signumx Ltd.
- Timothy Wood, George Washington University
- Hong Xu, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Zhipeng Zhao, Microsoft
- Noa Zilberman, University of Oxford
Organizing Committee
- General Chair: Muhammad Shahbaz, Purdue University
- Web Chair: Manh Hung Nguyen, CYCU
- Publications Chair: Jiri Matousek, Brno University of Technology
- Publicity Chair: Jasmin Jahić, University of Cambridge